List of Accepted Abstracts

We would like to thank all scholars, professionals and students who submitted abstract to The 8th International Conference of Tropical and Subtropical Green Building Council Alliance & 9th Cross-Strait Green Building Technology Development Forum.

Based on the blend review, 90 abstracts have been accepted and invited for full paper submisisons. Full papers will be included in the conference proceedings and presented in the conference.

Join us in the conference in November and enjoy the these presentations.

  1. Use of multi-agent theory to resolve complex indoor air quality control problems
  2. 綠色建築室內熱環境評價對比分析
  3. 透空式高層建築與鄰棟間距關係對於都市風環境之影響
  4. A Study on the Green Looking Ratio and Comfort Analysis of Urban Avenue Based on UAV Low-altitude Remote Sensing and walking Dynamic identification
  5. Analyzing Three-dimensional Thermal Environment Changes of Urban Hotspots Areas using Satellite Remote Sensing and Low-altitude Remote Sensing: A Case Study in a Basin City, Taipei
  6. Pioneering Green Innovation in a “Platinum” Green Data Center at Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, Hong Kong
  7. Healthy Buildings: IoT Monitoring & Performance-Driven Control of Indoor Air Quality
  8. 機房群控技術的發展催生複雜綠色空調系統的誕生
  9. 夏熱冬暖地區資料機房水蓄冷二次放冷空調系統研究
  10. Numerical Simulation of Street Design Strategies Based on Radiation and Outdoor Thermal Comfort under Street Canyon: A Case Study of Guangzhou Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street
  11. 透空式高層建築開口造型對風環境影響之研究
  12. Quantitative Research of Comparative on Spatial Organization of Traditional Private Gardens in Guangdong and Taiwan in Late Qing Dynasty
  13. Promoting sustainable development of green buildings by integrating Building Information Modeling (BIM) into construction contract
  14. 應用庫茲涅茲曲線探討城市收縮情境之環境變遷
  15. Outdoor Air Pollution Mitigation Technologies: Research, Application and Implication
  16. Window opening behavior in high density housing development in subtropical climate
  17. 綠建築標章之使用者認同度之計量實證探討
  18. 透空式建築不同植栽對於風環境影響
  19. 以綠建築大數據方法智慧管理宜蘭住宅節能
  20. K-12中小學全校式能源管理教育設計
  21. 超高齡環境下之社會脈絡及空間需求關係初探
  22. 高層建築立面綠化植栽層對都市微氣候影響之研究
  23. Solar Glare Control: Insights into Hong Kong
  24. Commissioning於綠建築(LEED,EEWH) 之應用比較
    Commissioning application comparison between green building rating systems (LEED and EEWH)
  25. 建築外殼耗能分析
  26. The Research on the Opportunities and Challenges of Green Industry Market under Green Financial System in China
  27. 綠色建築後評估研究現狀及展望
  28. 建築物西向立面皮層降溫改善策略與效果研究
  29. 城市綠帶與水域配置對於熱島效應影響之研究
  30. Twind Turbines: New Application of Wind-Energy Harvesting Device in Urban Areas
    Twind 渦輪機: 探討風能城市中的應用
  31. Optimization of Community Planning and Green Infrastructures: A Case Study of Resilient Community Design Using Integrated Evaluation Method
  32. Advancement of Aquaponics System with Integration of Sustainable Strategies
  33. 管路模擬技術應用於空調冰水系統TAB 之研究
  34. 舊工業廠房更新脈絡中的文化延續研究
  35. A “Platinum” Level Green Office Building in Hong Kong Through Proactive Major Renovation by Sustainable Design
  36. Study of Impacts of Street Geometry on the Airflow for Natural Ventilation in a Tropical Settlement
  37. Meeting the Challenge of Rehabilitation and Transformation of an Old School Builidng into a Smart School
  38. Research on the Application of Carbon Equilibrium and Environmental Simulation on Environmental Externally Feedback Mechanism: Based on the Study of Urban Renewal Plan in Shenzhen.
  39. Green Education transcends time: Experience sharing of the Green School Education at ECF Saint Too Canaan College
  40. 從綠色建築走向綠色生態城區的研究與探索
  41. Trial Use of Computer Model & Thermography Equipment for Enhancing a Salt Water Pumping System: Technical Solution for Asset and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Hong Kong
  42. 主被動巧妙結合的多功能光伏幕牆
  43. Simulation on Urban Future Morphology and Land Use Status Using WUDAPT-CA Method: A Case Study of Zhongshan City
  44. 聚光連續型高效智慧吸附式空調及其強化傳熱設計淺析
  45. 廈門市工業項目海綿城市建設設計
  46. 熱致變色中空玻璃對公共建築室內光熱環境的綜合影響
  47. The Application of Big Data Technology to Urban Planning and Management: A Case Study of Tourism System in Yantian District, Shenzhen
  48. 鎮江市醫院建築能耗現狀分析
  49. 淺談海綿城市在城市道路改造中的應用
  50. 綠色酒店建設要點和適宜的能源利用技術探討
  51. 夏熱冬冷地區窗戶節能研究
  52. 綠色建材-建材發展的必然趨勢
  53. 保障性住房的品質還可提升—從可持續發展與綠色建築角度看房地產高速發展中的保障性住房設計
  54. 論湖南綠色建築發展的五大適宜技術
  55. 淺談綠色住宅的品質提升—以湖南地區幾個住宅設計為例
  56. Green Buildings in Cross-strait Region: Commissioning Process or Procedure for Quality
  57. 室內燈具對方形散流器送風射流特性的影響
  58. Load-bearing Straw Bale Building: A Study of its Construction and Ecologic Feathers
  59. 工業化建築的精益價值鏈設計與評價研究
  60. Integral Urban House Development in South China: Climate Resilient Design beyond Efficiency and Self-sufficiency
  61. 基於BIM技術的裝配式建築施工階段應用探究
  62. 廣西南寧五象新區智慧社區評價體系研究與探索
  63. 再生骨料透水混凝土在綠色建築中的應用研究
  64. The challenges and opportunities in practicing green campus and green education in an existing typical post 2000’s secondary school in Hong Kong by introducing a smart cloud-based electricity metering system
  65. Ultra-low GWP Alternatives to HFC Refrigerants: Safety Analysis
  66. 關於地下停車場智慧照明節能改造的探討
  67. 共建綠色校園 築夢綠色未來
  68. Social sustainability of green building: green features, living comfort and well-being
  69. The economic sustainability of green building in Singapore
  70. Green Learning—E.CO Habitat
  71. Sponge City development in Hong Kong
  72. Spatial analysis for distributing outdoor emergency shelters in sustainable mega-cities: A case study in Shenzhen, China
  73. 徽州古民居“天井”建築空間的綠色生態設計研究
  74. 綠色建築專項規劃制定與實施研究
  75. 廣州某超高層綜合體綠色節水系統設計
  76. 綠色辦公建築中的技術應用效果後評估——基於實際案例研究
  77. Study on the Storm Water System Planning of Sponge City in Rainy Areas under High-density Development
  78. Transforming Hong Kong building regulatory framework to address the adoption of Cross-Laminated Timber: insights from the case of UK
  79. Advanced Life Cycle Cost Toolkit for green financing of BIPV facades in tropics.
  80. 南方地區海綿城市建設中的冷思考—以長沙市望城區海綿城市建設為例
  81. 基於CFD類比對室內輻射供冷空調系統的研究與分析
  82. 生態城市規劃中的綠色設計策略:以兩輪中新生態城總體規劃為例
  83. Towards a thermal comfortable and walkable neighborhood environment for the elderly in Hong Kong
  84. Socio-ecobalanced community construction – delivering sustainable rural community centres in China
  85. A Research of Short-Term Performance Verification Standard for Solar PV Systems on Green Buildings
  86. Architecture, Productive Landscape and Regenerative Design
  87. 實踐可持續環境及科普教育 - 香港神託會培敦中學“螢火蟲生態教育廳
  88. 木構造用於福祉建築對使用者心理感知與健康影響評估研究
  89. A Study on Discourse of the Kaohsiung House from History of Technology
  90. The energy efficiency of moisture buffering materials applied in a typical residential unit in Taiwan
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